Philosophy Talks 30 - Provincializing Husserl’s Europe (Dr. Kadir Filiz)
Philosophy Talks - 29
The Neglected Philosophy of Science of William James (and his celebrated but misunderstood defense of faith) (Dr. Andrew Thomas Fyfe)
Philosophy Talks - 28
Why Living Things Are Not Machines? (Dr. Oğuz Erdin)
Philosophy Talks - 27
Matthew Lipman's Philosophy for/with Children Practice Structured Around Moral Education (Dr. Sümeyye Sel Odabaş)
Philosophy Talks - 26
Emergence in Process (Prof. Mark H. Bickhard)
Philosophy Talks - 25
Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi As a Logician (Dr. Fatma Karaismail)
Philosophy Talks - 24
Procreative Responsibility and Assisted Reproductive Technology (Dr. Davide Battisti)
Philosophy Talks 23 - Seminar
Einfühlung and Entanglement in Phenomenology (Zeynep Direk)
Philosophy Talks - 22
The Ends and Method of Philosophical Reasoning in the Hikma Tradition (Asaad F. Shaker)
Philosophy Talks - 21
How to Read Classical Islamic Thought (Rahim Acar)
Philosophy Talks - 20
Language as a Power Game: A Wittgensteinian Perspective (Aliş Sağıroğlu)
Philosophy Talks - 19
Fixing Person-Based Stakes in Distributive Theory (Anders Herlitz)
Philosophy Talks - 18
Mental Representation: A Problem at the Intersection of Logic and Ontology (Dr. Müge Kuyumcuoğlu Tütüncüoğlu)
Philosophy Talks - 17
Contrasts for a Quartet of Philosophers: Dilthey, Husserl, Heidegger from the Perspective of Georg Misch (Prof. Gabor Boros)
Philosophy Talks - 16
Aspects of Extraordinary (Assoc. Prof. Yasin Ramazan)
Philosophy Talks - 15
A Critical Theory of Myth? Dispatches from 20th Century Political Thought (Dr. Carmen Lea Dege)
Philosophy Talks - 14
The Right to Moralize (Prof. Espen Gamlund)
Philosophy Talks - 13
Attention and the Foundations of Morality ( Silvia Caprioglio Panizza)
Philosophy Talks - 12
Multiple Realizations and Two Faces of Laws in Biology (Mehmet Elgin)
Philosophy Talks - 11
What Happened to Human Being: New Perspectives/Questions on Philosophical Anthropology (Yaylagül Ceran Karataş)
Philosophy Talks - 10
Nonhuman Animals versus Human Animal: 22nd Epistle of Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa (Abdullah Özkan)
Philosophy Talks - 9
The Tension Between Reason and Nature in Hegel's System (V. Metin Demir)
Philosophy Talks - 8
Re-envisioning the Freedom: Ethical Agency in Anthropocene (Maeve Cooke)
Philosophy Talks - 7
Mathematical Truth and the Causal Relevance of Abstract Entities (Barbara Montero)
Philosophy Talks - 6
Immortality for Nonbelievers (Eric Olson)
Philosophy Talks - 5
Meaning in Life and Narrativity (Galen Strawson)
Philosophy Talks - 4
Deep Disagreements on Values (Manuel Knoll)
Philosophy Talks - 3
Plato and Tyranny: A Nietzschean Reading of Plato's Political Texts and Their Impact in Nietzsche (Francisco L. Lisi Bereterbide)
Philosophy Talks - 2
The Charm and Problems of Relativism (Giovanni Giorgini)
Philosophy Talks - 1
Revisiting the Science-Religion Debate in the Public Square, Today (Sotiris Mitralexis)
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